

政府に頼らず「公共財」を生産する その2 部分的な全会一致の契約

David Friedman, Price Theory: Chapter 18: Market FailuresのPrivate Production of Public Goods 部分の翻訳(抄訳)。その1からの続き。

One difficulty with this is that if the public is large, it may be hard to organize a unanimous contract. One solution is to find a privileged minority: a subgroup of the public that is small enough so that its members can form their own unanimous contract and that receives enough benefit from the public good so that its members can be persuaded to bear the whole cost. When I mow my front lawn, I am acting as a privileged minority (of one); the mowed lawn makes the neighborhood more attractive, benefiting everyone, but I receive enough of the benefit to be willing to pay the whole cost.


Consider how this might work in the case of one of the largest public goods in our society and one of the most difficult to produce privately: national defense. Suppose the inhabitants of Hawaii believe that there is a 10 percent chance of a nuclear strike against their island next year. If the strike occurs, the island will be wiped out. The inhabitants can flee the island before the attack, so the cost will be distributed roughly in proportion to the value of the land they own. Table 18-1 is an (entirely imaginary) listing of how land ownership is divided on the island and how much each owner would pay, if necessary, to prevent the attack.


Table 18-1


Value of Land

Value of Defense

Dole Pineapple



Hilton Hotels



United Fruite Co.



Maxwell House Coffee



Howard Johnson's



Everyone Else



Suppose an entrepreneur comes up with a system for defending Hawaii from nuclear attack at a cost of $100 million. He goes to Dole, Hilton, United Fruit, and Maxwell House and tells them that if they pay him $110 million, he will defend the island. Since the value to them of the defense is more than that and since there are only a few firms that have to agree, they raise the money.


In this case, the story has a happy ending. Suppose, however, that the total cost of the defense is $149 million. It is still worth having--the top five landowners alone value it at more than its cost--but it will be very hard to get. If the entrepreneur asks the Big 5 to each put up the same proportion of the value of their land (just under 10 percent), Howard Johnson will refuse. Unfortunately for Hawaii, the Howard Johnson firm is run by an optimist who believes the chance of an attack is only 5 percent and therefore is willing to pay only 5 percent of his land value to protect against the attack.

