

Free Japan or Flee Japan

"Kin-yu Nikki" has given up helping Japan get better, started to discuss how to be a valuable person in the global market to be able to escape from the country when it is actually exposed to hazardous situation.

Kazuki Fujisawa points out in the latest entry that Japanese are not good at deciding "yes" or "no" when answering to a negative question in English. Therefore, for instance, if asked "You don't like pigeons?" then it's always better reply "I hate pigeons" rather than "No" so as to keep out trouble of confusing each other.

"Meine Sache" has been beating up a pigeon again and again, advises us to "google 'market fundamentalism' in Japanese and English." I found, indeed, it hit as many as 302,000 pages in Japanese, but only 94,300 in English. The blog owner affirms that it is an ultra-left rhetoric taking over public opinion in Japan.

"Asahi Shimbun" cheers up the pigeon in its editorial today. I don't understand at all what they writes with such words as "All Japan" or "Big Democracy." I just suspect it is nothing more than socialism.

金融日記 - 日本人が英語をしゃべるときに気をつけるべき7つのポイント その1

Meine Sache - 「市場原理主義」という極左の呪文

朝日新聞9月6日社説 - 新政権の日本―育て、大きな民主主義

