



Let's be clear. I don't believe in democracy in one sense. You don't believe in democracy. Nobody believes in democracy. You will find it hard to find anybody who will say that * * * * there is democracy interpreted as majority rule. You will find it hard to find anybody who will say that 55% of the people believe the other 45% of the people should be shot. That's an appropriate exercise of democracy.


What I believe is not a democracy but an individual freedom in a society in which individuals cooperate with one another and in which there is an absence of coercion and violence. Now it turns out that democracy in the sense of majority vote is an effective means for achieving agreement on some things. On things which are not very important. Really important things we require much more than a simple majority. We require something as close to unanimity as we can get. That's why we have a constitution as well as legislated law.


さて下はデイビッド・フリードマンGoogle本社を訪れて講演する動画。近未来の科学技術を予測した自著Future Imperfect について。こんなに明るく生き生きと喋る人とは知らなかった。ロースクールの講義もきっとこんな感じで引き込まれるものなんだろう。(ところで蔵さんは会ったりしてないんだろうか。私もカリフォルニアに行きたい。)以前書いたエントリに本のイントロダクションの要約がある。これだけ読んでおけば英語は明瞭で聞き取りやすいし話についていけるかもしれない。